design philosophy

Design Philosophy

Honor the experience.

People will live, work, communicate, and interact in the buildings and structures we light. Our designs are more than an ethereal set of possibilities; they are intended to enhance actual experience.

Navigate the delicate balance between science and art.

Technically informed, we are free to explore creative expression with confidence in execution.

Cross pollination, talent, and training produce superior results.

We maximize the synergies between disciplines and viewpoints on our clients' behalf.

Green design has to be inherent in each design solution.

This focus, in tandem with efficient systems integration, produces exceptional sustainable results.

Strive for global reach while retaining an intimate, collaborative environment.

The result is global excellence and local flavor.

Be good Neighbors.

We're committed to being engaged participants in our communities. We contribute pro bono design service, volunteer work, and donation to community projects.

The right solution isn't always the most expensive.

We present design concepts that are right for the project, not necessarily those that are trendy.

Keep them coming back.

Every project, every job, we remind ourselves: the best client relationships are repeat client relationships.
